张亮 副教授 (兼职)
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张亮 副教授 (兼职)

厦门大学神经科学研究所   发布时间: 2016-09-23   信息员:    浏览次数: 2082

张亮Zhang Liang, Ph.D.




E-mail: LZHANGXMU@xmu.edu.cn

2003年, 武汉大学获学士学位;

2008年, 中国科学院上海生命科学院获博士学位;

2009-2014年, 美国德州大学西南医学中心博士后;

2014年至今, 厦门大学生命科学学院, 副教授。


2003, B.S.,  Wuhan University;

2008, Ph.D., Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy Science

2009-2014,  Postdoctoral Fellow, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

2014-Present, Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University





The change of cell identity is involved in normal development, stress and pathological conditions. Our research interests are the cell identity and cell fate determination during neural development and regenation. Specially, by using cell biology and mouse model, we are exploring the cellular process, candidate genes and molecular mechanisms involved in cell fate determination.



代表性论文 (Selected Publications)

1. Thais G.Moreira*, Liang Zhang*, Lihi Shaulov, Amnon Harel, Sharon K. Kuss, Jessica Williams, John Shelton, Bandarigoda Somatilaka, Joachim Seemann, Jue Yang, Ramanavelan Sakthivel, Daniel R. Nussenzveig, Ana M.C.Faria, Beatriz M.A.Fontoura. Sec13 Regulates Expression of Specific Immune Factors Involved in Inflammation In VivoScientific Reports.5, 17655; doi: 10.1038/srep17655 (2015). (*: equal contribution)

2. Sharon K.Kuss, Miguel A.Mata, Liang Zhang, Beatriz M.Fontoura. Nuclear Imprisonment: viral strategies to arrest host mRNA nuclear export. Viruses 2013, 5(7), 1824-49

3. Priyarata Das, Xiaoyi Deng, Liang Zhang, Michael G.Roth, Beatriz M.A. Fontoura, Margaret A. Phillips and Jef K. De Brabander.  SAR-based optimization of a 4-Quinoline Carboxylic Acid Analog with Potent Antiviral Activity. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 4(6):517-521 April 24, 2013

4. ZhangL, Das P, Schmolke M, Manicassamy B, Wang Y, Deng X, Cai L, Tu BP, Forst CV, Roth MG, Levy DE, García-Sastre A, de Brabander J, Phillips MA, Fontoura BM. Inhibition of pyrimidine synthesis reverses viral virulence factor-mediated block of mRNA nuclear export. Journal of Cell Biology; 196(3):315-26 Featured and highlighted by Journal of Cell Biology Feb, 2012

5. Mo W*, Zhang L* ,Yang G, Zhai J, Hu Z, Chen Y, Chen X, Hui L, Huang R, Hu G. Nuclear b-Arrestin1 Functions as a Scaffold for the Dephosphorylation of STAT1 and Moderates the Antiviral Activity of IFN-g. Molecular Cell 31, 695-707, 2008 (*: equal contribution)

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