学术讲座:The role of Transcription Factor 2I in neurodevelopmental disorder models
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学术讲座:The role of Transcription Factor 2I in neurodevelopmental disorder models

  发布时间: 2016-11-14   信息员:    浏览次数: 342

讲座题目:The role of Transcription Factor 2I in neurodevelopmental disorder models



主讲人:Zhong-Ping Feng, MD, MSc, PhD, Professor, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng is a tenured Professor, PhD Supervisor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, and the Director of Collaborative Program In Neuroscience at the University of Toronto, Canada. Currently, she is Treasurer of the Canadian Physiological Society. She received a PhD degree in Neuroscience from the University of Calgary and an MSc degree in Pharmacology from the University of Alberta in Canada, and a Medical Degree from Zhongshan Medical College (Residency in Peking Union Hospital) in China. She obtained her postdoctoral training at the University of Calgary and was a Scientist at the NeuroMed Drug Company at Vancouver in Canada. Since started her lab at the University of Toronto in 2003, she has led her team to investigate the biophysical and pharmacological properties of ion channels, and calcium-dependent regulatory mechanisms of neurodevelopment, neural plasticity, neurodegeneration and regeneration medicine. She has been awarded for many research grants and personal awards from NSERC, CIHR, HSFC, and CFI. She published more than 120 research articles and reviews.

冯中平博士现任加拿大多伦多大学医学院生理学系终身教授和研究生主任,博士生导师,多伦多大学神经科学组群中心主任。冯中平毕业于中山医学院,曾在北京协和医院完成实习医师和住院医师培训。先后在加拿大University of Alberta获药理学硕士,University of Calgary获神经科学博士学位。冯博士于2003年起在多伦多大学生理学系任教,其研究方向是电压门控离子通道,神经突触形成和再生医学。其科研工作曾获得多项基金资助和奖励,包括加拿大卫生研究院,加拿大自然科学和工程研究基金会,加拿大心脏和中风基金会,和加拿大创新基金会等。现已在具有国际影响力杂志上发表了120 余篇同行评议文章。冯教授领导的神经科学组群共有三百余教授,二百余研究生,及一百余博士后。冯教授还任多伦多大学教育仪会会员,及加拿大生理协会执行委员会委员。

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