学术讲座:TRPM2 Channels as Therapeutic Targets for Neuroprotection
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学术讲座:TRPM2 Channels as Therapeutic Targets for Neuroprotection

  发布时间: 2016-11-14   信息员:    浏览次数: 401

讲座题目:TRPM2 Channels as Therapeutic Targets for Neuroprotection



主讲人:Hong-Shuo Sun, MD, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor, Departments of Surgery, Physiology and Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun is currently a tenured Associate Professor and PhD Supervisor in Departments of Surgery, Physiology and Pharmacology, and Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada. He is also a member for Collaborative Program in Neuroscience, Heart and Stroke Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, and Banting & Best Diabetes Centre, in Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. He also serves in the Award Committee in the Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Hong graduated in Zhongshan Medical College, Sun Yat-Sen University, and completed his training as a cardiologist at the First University Hospital of Zhongshan Medical College, Guangzhou, China. He obtained his MSc degree in Pharmacology, University of Alberta, Canada; and his PhD degree in Neurosciences in University of Calgary, Canada. His postdoctoral training was in University Health Network, Toronto, Canada. He has received many grants from NSERC, HSFC, CIHR and CFI, etc. and published more than 65 papers. His research focus is on studying the role of ion channels in neuroprotection and drug development for stroke and hypoxia.

孙宏硕,医学博士,硕士,博士,副教授(终身职位)及博士生导师。现任教于加拿大多伦多大学,医学院,外科,生理学,药理学和医学科学研究所。同时,他也是多伦多大学医学院神经科学中心,心脏和中风中心,心血管科学中心, Banting & Best糖尿病中心的成员; 以及加拿大药理协会奖评审委员会委员。他毕业于中山医学院,曾在中山第一医院心脏内科任职。先后在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得硕士学位,加拿大卡尔加里大学获得神经科学博士学,加拿大多伦多大学附属医院科研中心完成博士后培训。其科研工作曾获得多项基金资助,包括加拿大自然科学和工程研究基金会,加拿大心脏和中风基金会,加拿大卫生研究院,和加拿大创新基金会等。现已在具有国际影响力杂志上发表了65 余篇同行评议文章。其科研方向是研究离子通道在脑缺血缺氧和脑中风的保护作用以及新药研发。

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